Introduction to the Prayers in First Chronicles

First Chronicles begins with nine chapters of genealogy—from Adam to those who returned from Exile six or seven decades after Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylon. It is a history, but it also has a theological purpose because it is also a history of God’s acts: how he chooses, saves, protects, listens, saves, punishes, and offers grace and redemption. The genealogy shows that these people or events not disconnected—this is all God’s plan.
Following the genealogy, the book proceeds from the death of Saul to the events of David’s kingship. (Second Chronicles begins with Solomon’s reign to the destruction of the northern kingdom, then the southern kingdom, exile, and finally, the return from exile.)
The book contains not only contains genealogies, but also lists of various kinds, and excerpts taken from First Samuel through Second Kings. It also contains several speeches, sermons, and, most importantly for us, prayers.
The name “Chronicles” means “the events of the days”—a chronicle of events. First and Second Chronicles were originally one book, and portray many of the same events found in First Samuel through Second Kings, but from a different perspective. The writer focuses on the importance of the Temple, the priests and Levites, David and Solomon, and on “all Israel” as unified and participating in the kingship of David and Solomon and the building of the Temple.
There is also a theme of retribution—seek God and you will find Him; reject Him, and He will reject you (see 1 Chr 28.9). That either-or view of God is tempered by another theme—that of a God who also offers grace and will forgive the results of a rejection of him.
Finally, the Chronicler emphasizes that it is not enough to simply follow God’s laws and do His will. A thankful, joyful, and giving attitude is also required. This is like the message of later prophets and of Jesus.
There are twelve separate prayers spread throughout the twenty-nine chapters (some are part of the same scene). The themes of Chronicles are seen in the types of prayers included: there are five prayers of praise and thanksgiving (some include a hint of petition or intercession), a prayer of confession, and three regular petitions. Many of the prayers are petitions for Israel’s safety or direction, but there are a lot more thanksgivings and praises than in the previous books. Most pf them have to do with the Ark, victories, and the beginning of preparations to build the temple.
After so many books containing primarily petitions, we now have the opportunity to focus on prayers of praise and thanksgiving.
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