Chocolate Spice Cake

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cover of Praying Through the Bible Vol 4 by Mark McDowell

Volume 4 of Praying through the Bible now available in paperback and eBook

There are hundreds of passages about prayer in the Bible: teachings about prayer, mentions of prayer, and, of course, actual prayers. These are excellent resources for learning about the types of prayers, styles, content, when and where, and so much more. This series, Praying Through the Bible, examines each instance of a prayer passage, looking…

A Prayer for All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween, Samhain

A Prayer for All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween, Samhain

From ghoulies and ghosties And long-leggedy beasties And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us!1 In our modern culture in the West, or most of it, this night is known as Halloween, and it is largely a harmless time of dressing up and getting candy—all pushed by commercial culture. Connected with…


“Praying Through the Bible” — a study of biblical prayers

This is a project I have worked on since 2009 using all the research and writing I had done on prayer. I read through the Old and New Testaments to locate every biblical prayer, mention of prayer, or implication of prayer in the Bible. My idea was to write a “devotional commentary” on each one, as a resource to…

Ancient Prayers and Biblical Prayers: Types

In the ancient world, all religions and similarities between the types of prayers offered to their gods and goddess. This makes sense, of course, because prayer is communication, and all communication takes certain forms. Here are some of the major types of prayer we find in ancient religions: Name Prayers, Congregational Laments, Hymns, Personal Laments, Petitions, and Intercessions. Name Prayers. These were…

The Prayers in the Hebrew Bible and Other Prayers in the Ancient World

The prayers found in the Bible are not separated from time and location. While the message and principles in the Bible are timeless, the stories are couched in the culture, language, history, ab viewpoint of an ancient world—a world that is quite foreign sometimes to modern Westerners. Over the next few weeks, in between our…