boy wearing crown statue

Unfolding God’s Will: The Power of Prayers and Blessings in Solomon’s Ascension to the Throne

God’s work in the world is not always apparent, but these prayers from first kings are just to keep praying for just that reason. Just because we do not see the results at the moment does not mean he does not hear us. Dr. Mark McDowell as he explore this prayer’s background, meaning, and application to our own prayers.

cover of The Prayers of First Kings by Markus McDowell

Learning from First Kings: Prayer in Good and Challenging Times

First Kings offers lessons on prayer during both good and challenging times. The book documents Solomon’s reign, the division of the kingdom, and the deeds of various kings and the prophet Elijah. Key themes include the faithfulness of Israel’s leaders, the significance of the Jerusalem Temple, and the interplay between hope and despair in prayer.

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David’s Victory Hymn, part 1: The LORD as My Rock and Deliverer (2 Sam 22.2–51)

This lengthy prayer (in two parts) is an excellent example of a prayer of praise. Offered by King David, it is a wonderful example that we can use as a model for our own praise prayers. Join Dr. McDowell as he explores the background, meaning, and application of this prayer.

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Choosing the Right Type of Prayer for the Situation (2 Sam 21.1)

The story of David inquiring of God during a three-year drought in his reign (1 Samuel 21.1) highlights the importance of understanding the type of prayer to offer in different situations. Rather than just asking for relief from suffering or strength to endure it, the story encourages believers to also consider inquiring of God about the reasons behind their suffering. This approach can lead to a more rich prayer life.