AI generated picture of King Josiah of Israel

What If We Don’t Like God’s Answer to Prayer? (2 Kings 22.13–20)

Sometimes we don’t like God’s answers to a prayer. Maybe we even refuse to think he’s answering, because it’s not the answer we want. What do we do in situations like this? How do we respond in faith? Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores this prayer by King Josiah from Second Kings 22.

an ancient came on his deathbed

In Prayer, Begin With God, Not Yourself (2 Kings 20.2–3, 11)

Sometimes, in our prayers, we treat God like Santa Claus. We only talk to him when we need something. The Bible shows us a different way: begin a prayer focusing on God, thanksgiving, and confession. Then we can move to petition and intercession, having grounded ourselves in who God is and what he can do.

man praying with sun behind him. AI generated by Grok 2

Prayer: The Physical and Spiritual, Intertwined (2 Kings 4.33)

We often think of the physical and the spiritual world as separate, even though we might admit they interact. But the Bible portrays the two as intertwined and fully connected. Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores this prayer that exemplifies that concept, and how we might use it as a model for our own prayers.