man praying with sun behind him. AI generated by Grok 2

Prayer: The Physical and Spiritual, Intertwined (2 Kings 4.33)

We often think of the physical and the spiritual world as separate, even though we might admit they interact. But the Bible portrays the two as intertwined and fully connected. Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores this prayer that exemplifies that concept, and how we might use it as a model for our own prayers.

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What influences your prayers—good or bad? (Judg 17.1-3)

We are all affected by our surroundings. Our culture affects how we see the world. How do these things affect our prayer—and can they lead us away from genuine spiritual prayer? Dr. Mark McDowell examines just such a prayer from Judges 17. How can we use this to enrich our prayer practice?

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The Seductive Power of What Seems Right in Prayer (1 Kings 13.6)

Often it can be difficult to discern what God wants of us, and it is easy to be influenced by people or culture around us. This prayer encourages us in following God’s truth, and being patient. Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores this prayer which can enrich our own prayers.