What do your prayers say about your character? (Ruth 2.4, 12)
Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores how someone’s prayer can reveal something about their character. And how we can use prayer to grow our character. From the book of Ruth.
Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores how someone’s prayer can reveal something about their character. And how we can use prayer to grow our character. From the book of Ruth.
Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he continues this study of prayer from the book of Ruth. This passage is a prayer vow, perhaps unusual today but not in the ancient world. What do we learn about vows and how we can we offer them in our own practice of prayer?
The book of Ruth has more prayers for the number of verses and any other narrative book of the Bible. Join Dr. McDowell as he explorers this first prayer. What can we learn from it about our own prayers?
Context In the book of Ruth, God never speaks or performs any direct miracles. But there are nine prayers in this short story—more prayers per amount of text than any other narrative book in the Bible except Esther (a book which never even mentions God).1 Ruth is a beautiful book and a pleasant respite after…
After exploring every prayer in the book of judges, Dr. Mark McDowell offers a summary of the prayers found there.
Sometimes, we fail in life—perhaps spectacularly. We let down ourselves, others, and even God. How should we pray in such a situation? Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he explores this prayer by Samson found in the book of Judges.
Often, a simply and humble prayer is all that is needed. Certainly that is all God expects, as we see in this prayer from Judges. Join Dr. Mark McDowell as he examines this prayer and offers ideas for our own prayers.
There are commands not to put God to a test, but also examples of followers putting him to the test. What do we make of this, and how does it fit into our prayers? Dr. Markus McDowell explores this question by examining Judges 6 and 7.
A meditation about the ebb and flow of life, and how we view it, by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Study all the prayers of the Bible with Dr. Mark McDowell. This study is an overview of the book of Judges, followed weekly by a detailed look at each prayer and what it might teach us about praying.