Volume 4 of Praying through the Bible now available in paperback and eBook

Volume 4 of Praying through the Bible now available in paperback and eBook

There are hundreds of passages about prayer in the Bible: teachings about prayer, mentions of prayer, and, of course, actual prayers. These are excellent resources for learning about the types of prayers, styles, content, when and where, and so much more. This series, Praying Through the Bible, examines each instance of a prayer passage, looking…


“Praying Through the Bible” — a study of biblical prayers

This is a project I have worked on since 2009 using all the research and writing I had done on prayer. I read through the Old and New Testaments to locate every biblical prayer, mention of prayer, or implication of prayer in the Bible. My idea was to write a “devotional commentary” on each one, as a resource to…